A sub – urban traction system has a maximum speed sp eed of 60 kmph.
What are the various types of electric braking used in traction 9. Explain the principle and operation of a modern ac locomotive. Values of acceleration and retardation are 1.5 kmphps and 1.8 kmp hps respectively.Find the maximum speed of the train assuming trapezoidal speed time curve. Distance between b etween the stations is 4.5 km. A train runs with an average speed of 50 kmph. Explain (a) multi motor speed control (b) Trends in electric traction system. Describe briefly about regenerative braking and how this can be applied to D.C series traction motors.ĥ. Explain different types of supply system used in traction system.
Acceleration = 2 km/h/s, Tracking retardation = 3 km /h/s distance between the stations = 2.4 km efficiency = 0.9 Track resistance = 5 kg/ tones. Find the specific energy consu mption if the journey is to be made according to trapezoidal speed time curve. Unit 1 Discuss the series parallel control of electric traction motor A 250 tonnes train with 10 % rotational r otational inertia effect is started with uniform acceleration and reaches a speed of 50 km/h/s in 265 seconds on level road.
Anna University Exams April / May 2017 – Regulation 2013 Unique Important Questions – 8th Semester BE/BTECH EE6801 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation